101% Trustable
100% Brand new items
99.9% No payment, no order :)
We seek your understanding for pre-order's waiting time* Be patience^^
Pre-orders: Buy @ our own risk. Noone will be held responsible
**Please check out
LABELS @ right column! HOT STUFFS~
Goods sold are non-refundable or exchangable
Colour may differ from actual pdt
Postage services:
- Normal Postage +$1 onwards = No responsible for lost mail
- Registered mail ++$2.50 *Highly recommended
[Additional charges may apply for bigger items]
- Meet up @ our own convience* (East side)
Payment: Bank Transfer ONLY
- Pls send a notification email (Name,Contact no, Bank a/c Ref no.)
- A confirmation email will be provided
- We will send out purchases once payment received